The Institute for Health, Community and Policy (iHCAP)

iHCAP is the umbrella institute for the College for Health, Community and Policy (HCAP) Centers and Institutes (C&Is). The Institute combines the collective C&I strengths and provides the infrastructure and support for collaboration across C&I’s to bolster research productivity, increase efficiencies and provide a forum for cross-cutting methodologies, transdisciplinary frameworks and innovative approaches to research. Though collaborations can happen organically, iHCAP proactively seeks out opportunities for active and sustainable collaborations that bolster C&I research and expresses a commitment by iHCAP C&I’s to partner for increased impact towards our larger goals. iHCAP aims to increase visibility of all iHCAP C&I’s, coordinate resources and support and provide additional services beyond those provided by the college.


The mission of the Institute for Health, Community, and Policy (iHCAP) is to facilitate C&I research momentum and productivity by building capacity, developing strong and sustainable collaborations across C&I’s, providing administrative and logistical support to C&I’s and engaging in other research advancing activities.

  • Erica Sosa, Ph.D., Director
  • All HCAP C&I Directors are part of the decision-making body of iHCAP

iHCAP Staff

Daisy Cantu-Morin's photo

Daisy Cantu-Morin, MBA

Fiscal Manager

Leah Guerra's photo

Leah Guerra

Administrative Associate II

DB 3.322