HCAP is proud to house four research centers and institutes. These research hubs are under the umbrella that we call iHCAP.

Each center and institute serves our community through a unique lens. Together, they move the mission of HCAP forward – to affect change for complex social issues to improve the well-being of our community.

Supporting UTSA’s commitment to becoming a top-tier research university, our faculty are committed to promoting student research and success.

San Antonio City Hall

Center for Applied Community and Policy Research

The Center for Applied Community and Policy Research brings research, evaluation, and policy expertise to bear on the challenges facing America’s communities.


Center for Community-Based and Applied Health Research

The Center for Community-Based and Applied Research facilitates collaborative and innovative approaches to the health issues that impact our communities and aims to engage, empower and mobilize communities to increase opportunities for optimal health and quality of life for all.


Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research

The Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research focuses on the social and economic characteristics of population and the effects of population change. The Institute is comprised of specialized researchers in various fields of expertise.


Institute for Health Disparities Research

IHDR’s Mission is to help achieve health equity in South and Central Texas, the United States, and beyond.