The Mobile Health Laboratory is a 38-foot customized mobile home equipped with the most advanced technology used for comprehensive health assessments and used as a facility for community-based interventions in inner-city and rural areas. UTSA is committed to develop cost-effective obesity and diabetes prevention programs for at-risk populations in Texas. The mobile health lab allows UTSA researchers to conduct research in these tow vital areas while service the community as well.

Body Composition Analysis

Body composition analysis performed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA; Hologic Discovery A). Measurements taken include fat mass (body fat percent), fat free soft tissue, bone mineral content, and a bone density (test for osteoporosis) screening. Body composition analysis is a measurement of your lean body mass as compared to your body fat.

Bone, muscle, tissues, ligaments, blood, water, etc. are all considered lean mass. The rest is fat. It is healthier for more of your body to be lean as compared to fat. It is a general rule that the bigger your waist is, the more body fat you have. Body composition analysis is a calculation of body fat as a percent of total body weight.


Anthropometry is the science of measuring the size, weight, and proportions of the body. Measurements taken include body weight, height, waist circumference, and skin folds.

Fitness Assessments

Fitness assessment are performed on a treadmill or cycle ergometer. Measurements include Maximum Oxygen Consumption (Max VO2) and Sub-Maximal VO2 in both children and adults.

Hemodynamic Monitoring

Measurements: resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, cardiac output, stroke index and stroke volume

Blood Chemistry

Measurements: lipid profile, fasting glucose and insulin, and Hemoglobin A1c.

Nutritional Analysis

Measurements: macro and micro nutrient analysis

Data Collection

Data collection using questionnaires and surveys with on-board computer stations

Healthy Cooking Demonstrations

Cooking demonstration with a cooking island, electric stove, refrigerator, microwave oven and small baking oven

Health Education

Small group health education classes with a multimedia station

Health Screenings

Health screenings in schools and communities

Resource Collection

In addition, the Mobile Health Laboratory can also be used to conduct literacy education programs, computer education classes, mental health screenings, and community outreach by faculty members from other departments at UTSA.

UTSA undergraduate and Masters students are encouraged to volunteer with ongoing and upcoming projects. Please contact the Lab Director for more detail.

The Roadrunner Diabetes Screening and Education Project (Roadrunner DSE Project) is a community-based health promotion program that provides free diabetes screening and diabetes prevention education in underserved and economically disadvantaged communities in San Antonio and South Texas. The director of this project is run by Dr. Zenong Yin who is also involved in many other heath projects to help the community of San Antonio live healthier lives. The program coordinator is Wenxi Liu who is the most involved in this project by planning screening events for the community of San Antonio to attend and find out more information. Lastly, there are currently four amazing community health workers that hold educational classes all around the San Antonio area. For more information about the project, visit: Roadrunner Diabetes Screening and Education Project.