About the Molecular Exercise Physiology Lab

Research has focused on two agendas: First, we investigate the impact of maternal diet and exercise on the cardiometabolic health of offspring. We wish to probe the mechanisms by which maternal exercise before and during pregnancy is a modifiable maternal behavior that may reduce the development of obesity-linked cardiometabolic dysfunction in offspring. Second, we have studied diet-induced obese mouse models to better understand the role of nutritional supplementation in type 2 diabetes, particularly skeletal muscle adaptation. An interdisciplinary approach, including functional measurement (echocardiography, pressure-volume hemodynamics, and myocyte contractile properties), mitochondrial function, gene expression, biochemical assays, immunohistochemistry, and histology has been used to investigate these topics.

Major Laboratory Equipment
  • Echocardiography- in vivo cardiac function measurement
  • O2K-FluRespirometry: Mitochondrial functional measurement
  • Real-time quantitative PCR machine to measure gene expression
  • Chemiluminescence detection system to obtain an image
  • Cryostat and A fluorescent microscope: Immunofluorescence Analysis
Eunhee Chung, Ph.D.


Eunhee Chung, Ph.D.

Associate Professor



Research in action

Lab Members

PI: Eunhee Chung, Ph.D.

Lab manager: Yessenia Perez, BSc
Lab research scientist
: U-Ter Aondo Jia, MEng
Current Undergraduate Students: Juan Estevez III and Ayyan Mahboob
Lab Alumni: Justin Cruger (M.S. graduated in August 2017), Salvatore Campise (B.S. graduated in December 2017) and Jake Sansom (B.S. graduated in December 2018). Andrea Chinas Melvin (summer research student from Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico), Kassandra Gonzalez (MS, Summer 2020), Antonio Bollinger (BS), Jacqueline Gonzalez (BS), Erin Roye (BS), Christina Perez (BS), Kimberli Garcia (BS), and Jake Lota.


List of Molecular Exercise Physiology Lab Publications.

Research Opportunities

Research opportunities may be available to qualified and well-motivated undergraduate and graduate students. The undergraduate students may earn course-credits through research opportunities (KIN4913 Independent Study, KIN4933 Practicum in Kinesiology Research). The Master’s students may work on a thesis project under the direction of a Kinesiology faculty member. Funding may also be available to assist the research work of undergraduate and graduate students. For more information please contact the laboratory supervising faculty.