TARDIS is currently working on several new projects at UTSA focused on a variety of identity domains:

  • Profiles of Identity Centrality and Cumulative Health within University Students (PICACHU). Study is focused on understanding how young adults define themselves and how these self-definitions interact to promote development, even in the face of marginalization. Special attention will be given to intersectionality across various marginalized and minoritized identities.

TARDIS is also involved in several active collaborative project with faculty at ODU:

  • College Youth Navigating their Health, Identity, and Academics (CYNTHIA). Study focuses on understanding the links between identity and mental health with academic motivation among first- and continuing-generation college student. Special attention will be given to experiences of students of color (PIs: Drs. Alan Meca & Tony Perez).
  • Identity and Mental Health (IAM): The IAM is a project done in collaboration with Dr. Judah and the ERP lab focused on how individuals identify with psychopathology (PIs: Drs. Matt Judah & Alan Meca).
  • Project BEAMS (Behavioral, Emotional, and Mental Supports in Schools): Grant-funded project that establishes a university-school partnership that will increase the number and diversity of school psychologists and expand the mental health programming at Southwest Independent School District (SWISD). (PIs: Drs. Victor Villarreal, Felicia Castro-Villarreal, John Davis, Jeremy Sullivan, and Alan Meca).  
  • Project East Central AWARE: Creating a Whole-Community Continuum of Behavioral Health Support: SAMSHA funded project that provides funding for clinical mental health professionals for all ECISD students. Additional services funded through Project AWARE include providing mental health awareness, training, education, and whole school wellness for all ECISD students, families, and staff. (PIs: Community in Schools San Antonio & East Central ISD) 
  • Warrior Identity and Reintegration Study (WIR): The WIR is a study on military identity and its role in reintegration among veterans. This project was done in conjuncture with Dr. Kelley and her research lab (PIs: Drs. Michelle Kelley & Alan Meca).

Finally, drawing a strong collaborative network established by Dr. Meca, TARDIS has joined with faculty throughout the United States on a number of data collection projects:

  • Investigating Racial/Ethnic Identity Shifting (IRIS): A cross-sectional study focused o on identity shifting or code-switching among Ethnic/Racial Minority and determining the effect it has on mental health and academic performance (PIs: Drs. Alan Meca, Aerika Loyd, & Marisha Humphries)
  • Acculturation and Substance Use Research Team (ASURT): A cross-sectional study interested in identifying the psychological, social, and cultural characteristics that might influence alcohol use among young adults in the United States (PI: Dr. Byron Zamboanga, Co-PIs: Drs. Alan Meca, Abby Braitman, Heidemarie Blumenthal, Miguel Angel Cano, Alexandra Nicole Davis, Su Yeong Kim, Tim Grigsby, Lindsay S. Ham, P. Priscilla Lui, Jessica L. Martin, Dennis McChargue, Amie R. Newins, Jessica Perrotte,& Brandy Piña-Watson).

Addressing Issues in Measurement of Cultural Identity (AIM-CI)

A cross-sectional study focused on exploring the effect of item wording among cultural identity measures and establishing a comprehensive measure of cultural identity development. For a full list of AIM-CI publications, click here.

Recent Publications
  • Rodil, J. C., Meca, A., Allison, K. K., Martinez-Fuentes, S., Cowan, I. K., & Gonzales-Backen, M. A. (2022). Measurement invariance testing for the United States Identity Scale (USIS) across non-Hispanic Black and White college students. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 86, 134-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.12.001
  • Meca, A., Gonzales-Backen, M., Rodil, J., Cowan, I., Sharma, S., Webb, T., & Hayes, T. (2021). The Ethnic Identity Scale: Affirmation, really? Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advanced Online Publication https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000485
Psychometric on Identity and Cultural Scales (PICS)

A cross-sectional study focused on developing and refining measures focused on personal and cultural identity development among Hispanic/Latino college-attending emerging adults. For a full list of PICS publications, click here.

Recent Publications
  • Meca, A., Gonzales-Backen, M., Davis, R., Hassell, T., & Rodil, J. (2020). Development of the United States Identity Scale: Unpacking affirmation and commitment. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 8, 127–141. https://doi.org/10.1037/lat0000135
Acculturation and Personal Identity Daily Diary

A 12-day quantitative daily diary conducted Hispanic college students attending a Hispanic-serving institution in South Florida. Study development and data collection was spearheaded by Dr. Alan Meca during his post-doctoral position at University of Miami in collaboration with Dr. Seth J. Schwartz. Study is focused on understanding how acculturation and identity development function at the daily level (PI: Drs. Alan Meca & Seth J. Schwartz). For a full list of Acculturation publications, click here.

Recent Publications
  • Meca, A., Webb, T., Cowan, I., Moulder, A., Schwartz, S. J., Szabo, A., & Ward, C. (2022). Effects of cultural stress on identity development and depression among Hispanic College Students. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 22(1), 51-64. https://doi.org/10.1080/15283488.2021.1960838
  • Meca, A., Cobb, C. L., Schwartz, S. J., Szabo, A., Moise, R., Zamboanga, B. L., Lee, T. K., Klimstra, T. A., Soares, M. H., Ritchie, R. A., & Stephens, D. P. (2021). Exploring individual differences in the relationship between cultural identity processes and well-being. Emerging Adulthood, 9(1), 11-21. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696818817168
  • Schwartz, S. J., Meca, A., Ward, C. A., Szabo, A., Benet-Martínez, V., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Sznitman, G. A., Szapocznik, J., Unger, J. B., Cano, M. A., Stuart, J., & Zamboanga, B. L. (2019). Biculturalism dynamics: A daily diary study of bicultural identity and psychosocial functioning. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 62, 26-37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2018.12.007
College Athletes Risky Drinking Study (CARDS)

Large study conducted by the Institute to Promote Athlete Health & Wellness to understand prevalence of substance use and factors that contribute to it among college student athletes from Division I and Division II. (PIs: Dr. David Wyrick & Jeffrey Milroy; Co-PIs: Drs. Byron L. Zamboanga, Alan Meca, Jessica L. Martin, & Janine Olthuis).

Recent Publications
  • Meca, A., Allison, K., Kubilus, R., Olthuis, J. V., Merrill, J., E., Zamboanga, B. L., Wyrick, D., Milroy, J. J., & Carr, K. (2021). Dimensions of athletic identity and their associations with drinking behaviors among NCAA college athletes: A national study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 2363-2373. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-021-01503-2
  • Zamboanga, B. L., Merrill, J. E., Olthuis, J. V., Martin, J. L., Cannon, M., Jarrell, J. T., Meca, A., Milroy. J. L., & Wyrick, D. L. (2021). Racial, ethnic, and sex differences in heavy alcohol use and negative drinking consequences in a national sample of NCAA student-athlete drinkers. Journal of American College Health. Advanced Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2021.1926265
Warrior Identity and Reintegration Study (WIR)

The WIR is a study on military identity and its role in reintegration among veterans. This project was done in conjuncture with Dr. Kelley and her research lab (PIs: Drs.  Michelle Kelley & Alan Meca). For a full list of WIR publications, click here.

Recent Publications
  • Meca, A., Allison, K., Ayers, K. I., Carr, K., Cox, S., Bravo, A. J., Davies, R., & Kelley, M. L. (2021). Understanding the unique effects of identity in adjustment among veterans. Military Behavioral Health, 9(4), 1-424. https://doi.org/10.1080/21635781.2021.1927918
  • Meca, A., Park, H., Higgins, J., Hamrick, H., Webb, T., Davis, R. L., Golembiewski, L., Bravo, A. J., & Kelley, M. L. (2020). The role of United States identity in adjustment among veterans. Military Psychology, 32(6), 408-416. doi: 10.1080/08995605.2020.1802400