Posted on June 11, 2024 by Amanda Cerreto

Six researchers in the College for Health, Community and Policy (HCAP) have earned Internal Research Awards from UTSA, each worth $5,000. Each project reflects HCAP’s mission to improve the well-being of communities from local to global.

“These seed grants are pivotal to starting important lines of research that will help answer complex societal issues,” said Erica Sosa, associate dean for research success and professor of public health. “The six HCAP scholars are contributing to important work in their areas of research. The finding demonstrates the university values their work.”

The awardees are as follows:

Chiang Chen JenChien-jen Chiang
Assistant Professor, Social Work

Project: “Navigating the Child Welfare Maze: Assessing Service Needs, Referrals, Receipts, and Outcomes for Latino Families.”

Itamar LernerItamar Lerner

Assistant Professor, Psychology
Alan Meca
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Denver Brown
Assistant Professor, Psychology

Project: “The relationships between real-life stress and physiological measurements of sleep and physical activity.”

Masataka UmedaMasataka Umeda

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

Project: “Biopsychological mechanism of the adverse effect of racial discrimination on pain sensitivity and buffering effect of physical activity in Asian American adults.”

Se Woong ParkSe-Woong Park

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology

Project: "Identifying perception-action couplings in practice-induced timing."

— Amanda Cerreto