Posted on May 16, 2024 by Amanda Cerreto

In 2020, UTSA established the Bold Promise program, a commitment to offer high-quality, affordable education to students who come from low and middle-income Texas families.

Incoming fall freshmen who qualify will have their tuition and mandatory fees covered 100% for eight fall/spring semesters. The semesters must be taken consecutively within a 4-year time period (approx. $44,000 value across four years) and eligibility must be maintained. Tuition and mandatory fees are covered by scholarships, grants and tuition exemptions from federal, state and institutional funds.

Several HCAP students, graduating this week, reflected on their UTSA journeys.

Elaf Khalaf


Elaf Khalaf
Major: Psychology

“My time at UTSA has been a journey of growth, discovery, and empowerment, all made possible by the Bold Promise.”




kauthar sule


Kauthar Sule
Major: Psychology

“The Bold Promise scholarship has allowed college to be more accessible and affordable during my time at UTSA. I am very appreciative for the opportunity UTSA gave me to finish my college degree and pursue my career. Go 'Runners!”




Valeria OrnelasValeria Ornelas
Major: Public Health
Concentration in epidemiology and disease control

“Navigating the complexities of higher education and overall career advancement comes with significant challenges for DACA recipients like myself, but were it not for the Bold Promise program, I'm uncertain if college would have been an option for me. I'm immensely grateful for the opportunities I've had at UTSA and will always cherish every moment.”



Emily VillegasEmily Villegas
Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice

“UTSA has been an amazing experience, combined with the assistance of the Bold Promise program they provide. It empowered me to fully engage in my education and pursue academic excellence.”





Learn more about the Bold Promise program.

— Amanda Cerreto