Posted on June 11, 2019 by Michelle Skidmore

Assistant Professor Bonita Sharma discusses possible reasons why individuals from African countries are coming to the United States in large numbers despite the hardships to get here. Many travel through South America eventually ending up at the U.S.-Mexico border. San Antonio has even seen new influxes of African migrants. The Rivard Report published an article with interviews from African migrants about their journey to the U.S. Many of them are coming in large numbers fleeing violence and political upheaval.

“Political instability in Congo and neighboring countries has contributed to a rising trend of African migrants leaving for different parts of the world,” said Sharma.

"Some of them may have been traveling for months to get to the Mexico border in search of better opportunities that the U.S. has to offer, the human rights that the U.S. has to offer,” she added.

Read the full article in the Rivard Report.

Dr. Bonita Sharma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work. She has conducted refugee research in a global context. Her research interests include impact of natural and built environment of sustainability and gender equality; community and global health; technology; empowerment and leadership of women; human mobility; global social work; interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.

— Michelle Skidmore