We know it can be difficult to find resources to help pay for your education. We've compiled all the resources you need to help you navigate graduate student funding, from scholarships to awards and competitions.

HCAP Scholarships

Scholarship applications available through the UTSA Scholarship Hub .

Scholarship applications are open February 1 st through April 1 st.

Most Outstanding Student Award

The College for Health, Community and Policy is now accepting nominations for the Most Outstanding Graduate Student and the Most Outstanding Undergraduate Student in the College. The purpose of the award is to recognize HCAP students who have built a record of scholarship, leadership, and service to UTSA, the college, and/or the community. 


Research Paper Competition

This competition is open current HCAP students. Only papers sponsored by the faculty member teaching the class for which the paper was written will be accepted. Submissions are limited to papers related to scholarly research. This includes original research or reviews of existing research or literature. Thought papers or creative writing efforts are not appropriate submissions for this competition. Only one submission per student will be accepted. Additional eligibility requirements listed on the application.


Graduate Student Travel Support


HCAP provided travel support:

Current HCAP graduate students may apply for funding support for travel to present at an academic conference. Additional eligibility requirements listed on the application.



  • September 30th for Fall or later travel
  • January 31st for Spring or later travel
  • April 30th for Summer travel
  • Award must be received prior to travel dates

Graduate School provided travel support:

Apply for travel support through the Graduate School application

Eligibility and details

Applications must be complete and submitted to The Graduate School through the online application portal. Please direct any questions to john.shaffer@utsa.edu.

The awarding process takes place twice in the fall semester, twice in the spring semester, and once during the summer. Students should submit their application:

  • Fall semester submission: September 1; November 1
  • Spring semester submission: February 1; April 1
  • Summer semester submission: July 1

Allow 30 days past the semester deadline(s) for application review and award disbursement.