Email for the fastest response for the Business Service Centers.

Lynette Guillory 

  • HCAP Dean’s Office
  • Psychology

Iris Martinez 

  • Kinesiology
  • Public Health
  • Social Work

Alexis Zacarias

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Public Administration
  • Sociology and Demography

Angie B. Lopez 

  • iHCAP
  • Public Administration
  • Sociology and Demography
  • Institute for Health Disparities Research

Analee Jasso

  • Public Health
  • Social Work
  • Center for Community-Based and Applied Health Research
  • Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research
  • Texas Demographic Center

Celia Walters

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Kinesiology
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Psychology
  • Center for Applied Community and Policy Research

At the time of submission, you will receive an automated email notification that your request has been received. Your BSC Specialist will also confirm receipt directly within 24 hours, and begin processing the request. Your BSC Specialist will communicate directly if there are any questions or concerns regarding the request, and will let you know when the request is complete.

See the instructions on this page.

Human Resources

  • Faculty Buyout Request Form: 3 business days
  • Faculty Summer Contract Request Form: 5 business days
  • New Employee Request Form: 3 business days
  • Existing UTSA Employee Request Form: 3 business days
  • Funding Change Request Form: 3 business days
  • Student Stipend/Tuition Payment Request Form: 3 business days


  • Procurement Request Form: 4 business days (Up to 7 business days, or more, if vendor needs to be created in PeopleSoft)
  • Business Contracts Request Form: 2 business days
  • Invoice Payment Request Form: 2 business days
  • Texas Prompt Pay Law
  • Request for Travel Authorization Form: 2 business days
  • Expense Reimbursement – Non-Travel: 5 business days
  • Expense Reimbursement – Travel: 5 business days

July 8, 2024

Should San Antonio City Council Start from Zero on Spending?

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July 5, 2024

Chevron Shifts Regulatory Power to the Courts

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