Title IV-E of the Social Security Act authorizes the federal government’s Foster Care and Adoption Assistance programs to provide matching funds to state educational programs. The goal of these programs is to improve the lives of children in foster care and facilitate adoption or the return of children to their home. This goal is met through a focus on the educational training of current and potential Child Protective Services (CPS) employees.
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Social Work Education Program Title IV-E (SWEPT) provides training and development programs for Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Regions 8 and 11, supporting the goals and objectives in the Child and Family Services state plan for Title IV-E training.
Students who qualify will receive a stipend under the Title IV-E program to help off-set costs associated with obtaining a Master’s of Social Work degree.
For more information, contact IV-E@utsa.edu, 210.458.2319.
Below please find the downloadable documents for your application:
The Title IV-E Program of the Social Security Act authorizes the federal government’s Foster Care and Adoption Assistance programs to provide matching funds to state educational programs. The goal of these programs is to improve the lives of children in foster care and facilitate adoption or the return of children to their home. This goal is met through a focus on the educational training of current or potential Child Protective Services (CPS) employees. The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Social Work Education Program Title IV-E (SWEPT) operates training and development programs for Regions 8 and 11, supporting the goals and objectives in the Child and Family Services state plan for Title IV-E training.
The goals of the Title IV-E training program are as follows:
Students who qualify will receive a stipend under the Title IV-E program as financial aid in covering the costs associated with attending course work in the Master of Social Work program at the UTSA.
To be eligible for a Title IV-E stipend a student must be: currently enrolled and in good academic standing with the university, or willing to enroll in the UTSA MSW program.
A Texas Department of Family Protective Services (TDFPS) employee must have:
For a TDFPS employee, they must first speak to an agency supervisor about participation in the program. A complete application should be submitted to the SWEPT office. UTSA Department of Social Work hold prospective applicant session that provides interested potential students further detailed information. The stipend application packet will be provided to eligible CPS employees and potential students. The following contents must be received by the deadline determined by the region.
All application materials are to be submitted electronically only, via email, to 4ERegion8@utsa.edu or 4ERegion11@utsa.edu.
In accordance with Title IV-E federal and state guidelines, the region will determine the criteria for evaluating and selecting stipend recipients. Once a stipend application is complete, it will be submitted the selection committee is composed of program directors, supervisors, and worker staff, both rural and urban, from all parts of the program that have been appointed by their respective supervisors to serve on the committee. Region 8 supervisors who are interested in being considered for the stipend program are required to write an e-mail to the regional director expressing interest. They must meet the basic requirements of the employee stipend selection process, but the decision is made by the regional director. In addition the student will make application to be accepted as a UTSA graduate student and their application will be reviewed by the UTSA Department of Social Work for acceptance into the UTSA MSW program. Applications must be complete by 30 days prior to the Stipend Committee meeting.
Stipend Committee Schedule for review of BSW and MSW Stipend Applications, for students and CPS employees:
Fall: Meet by May 1
Spring: Meet by November 1
This can vary depending on the individual student. You will be given a degree plan that outlines the courses you will take each semester. In general you will attend school 3 semesters per year (Fall, Spring, Summer) taking 6 hours per semester (part-time at 2 courses in a semester) and:
In terms of internship, the student will be required to complete the same number of practicum hours as any other MSW graduate student at UTSA.
The stipends will vary from year to year depending on available funding, but typically cover most if not all tuition and fees associated with attending graduate school. Stipend funds will be dispersed via the university each semester that the student is eligible.
For pre-service MSW students:
The stipend payback is 8 calendar months of employment at TDFPS for each semester in which a stipend was received.
For Current TDFPS employees:
The payback for the stipend is 4 calendar months of employment at TDFPS for each semester in which a stipend was received.
Payback begins after the pre-service student begins employment status, and after the employee graduates with a MSW degree.