Posted on April 26, 2022 by Amanda Cerreto
The University Excellence Awards celebrate the achievements of Roadrunner faculty and staff, ranging from exceptional teaching and innovative research to exemplary team spirit and impactful advocacy. The following HCaP faculty earned awards:
Jelena Todic : The President's Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence on the tenure track
This award is to recognize, encourage and reward accomplished faculty whose command of their respective disciplines, teaching methodologies, communication skills and commitment to learning translate into a superior learning experience for students. These awards are aimed at faculty who maintain high expectations and standards for their students, ensuring academic rigor, while meeting the challenges of motivating students and helping them develop into educated, ethical and responsible citizens.
Sara Oswalt : The President's Distinguished Award for University Service, tenure and tenure track
This award is to recognize, encourage and reward those tenured and tenure-track faculty who are exemplary in their commitment to service within the university whose service has had major impact on the opportunities, lives and future of UTSA undergraduate or graduate students, UTSA faculty, and/or UTSA by providing leadership in critical areas such as student, department, college and university committee service; creating new student or faculty programs and opportunities; contributing to policy and planning initiatives; and/or development of UTSA's partner relationships.
Sandra Morissette : The President's Distinguished Award for Research Achievement, tenured
This award is to recognize, encourage and reward faculty who have conducted a sustained program of high-quality, high-impact research that has translated into national and international recognition and has made a substantial contribution to the faculty member's field.
Willie Hale: The President's Distinguished Award for Research Achievement, tenure track
This award is to recognize, encourage and reward faculty who have conducted high-quality, high-impact research that shows distinct promise for national and international recognition and substantial contribution to the faculty member's field.
Johnelle Sparks: The President's Distinguished Achievement Award for Mentoring
UTSA recognizes the critical role that faculty mentors play in the success of their colleagues. In order to foster a culture of faculty mentoring at UTSA, this award is to recognize, encourage and reward those faculty who are exemplary in their commitment to mentoring within the university whose service has had impact on the opportunities and development of UTSA faculty by providing mentoring in critical areas such as teaching and research.