Below is a handy guide of definitions to help you understand the progress of your Business Service Center ticket.

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  • Day 1: date of ticket submission (given all necessary information is provided at time of submission)
  • Assigned: a BSC specialist has added the case to their workload. Allow 24 hours for the ticket to be assigned after it has been submitted- this does not include weekends or holidays. In periods of high volume, this can be up to 48 hours.
  • Closed case: a BSC specialist has changed the status to closed. No further action will be taken once it is closed.
  • Completed: all approvals have been received at all levels.
  • Processed: a BSC specialist has taken action on the case and has moved the request forward. This does not mean it is fully completed or has fully routed through the university process(es).
  • Open: a case has been opened and a BSC action has not been taken to move case forward.
  • Pending information: the BSC requires additional information and/or documentation to take action.
  • Routing: a BSC action has been taken and the case is pending action outside of the BSC.