How long will it take for my case to be processed (not fully approved or completed)?

Processing time is subject to change if the BSC does not have all required information for action to be taken.

For a list of processing definitions, please visit our Processing Definitions page.

Human Resources

(These processes do not include graduate student hiring. Please follow the graduate hiring process.)

Request Type When to Submit Request Expected time for BSC Action Potential Total Processing Time
Contract Additions and Changes Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum; 30 days maximum 5 business days 17 business days
Faculty Buyout Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum; 30 days maximum 5 business days 17 business days
Faculty Summer Contract Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum; 30 days maximum 5 business days 17 business days
Funding Change Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum 5 business days 17 business days
New Hire/Rehire Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum; 30 days maximum 5 business days 17 business days

Human Resources Miscellaneous Requests

Request Type When to Submit Request Expected time for BSC Action Potential Total Processing Time
Additional Pay Request* 12 business days prior to effective date minimum 5 business days 17 business days
Create a Person of Interest Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum; 30 days maximum 5 business days 17 business days
Job Attribute Change Request (extend appointment for existing paid employee, change in pay for existing employee) 12 business days prior to effective date minimum 5 business days 17 business days
New Position Request ** 12 business days prior to effective date minimum 5 business days 17 business days
Position Attribute Change Request (change to hours, supervisor, department location or reclassify an existing title to a new title)

12 business days prior to effective date minimum

5 business days 17 business days
Retirement Request

12 business days prior to effective date minimum

5 business days 17 business days
Terminations Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum 5 business days 17 business days
Transfer Request 12 business days prior to effective date minimum; 30 days maximum 5 business days 17 business days
Zero Percent Appointment Request *** 12 business days prior to effective date minimum 5 business days 17 business days

* If the request is submitted after the 10th day of the month the payment is expected, please attach an approved Exception/Correct Request Form
** If a new hire/rehire is related to this request, please allow an additional 12 business days to process both requests
*** An approved courtesy memo must be attached to request


Request Type When to Submit Request Expected Time for BSC Action Potential Total Processing Time
Business Contract Request 12 business days prior to start of agreement 5 business days 17 business days
Expense Reimbursement - Non-travel 12 business days; within 30 days of expense date 5 business days 17 business days
Expense Reimbursement - Travel 12 business days; within 30 days of last day of travel 5 business days 17 business days
Invoice Payment Request** 25 days (including non-business days) prior to due date *** 5 business days 30 days (including non-business days)***
Participant Advance Request 12 business days prior to need of advance 5 business days 17 business days
Procurement Request* 12 business days prior to need of product or service 5 business days 17 business days
Travel Authorization Request 12 business days prior to travel date 5 business days 17 business days

* If a vendor is not in the UTSA system, a PaymentWorks request will have to be submitted. Please allow an additional 12 business days to process both requests.
** If an invoice is related to an agreement that has not been fully executed, please allow an additional 12 business days to process both requests
*** Based off of the Texas Government Prompt Payment Law timeline

Financial Miscellaneous Requests

Request Type When to Submit Request Expected time for BSC Action Potential Total Processing Time
PaymentWorks Request* 12 business days 5 business days 17 business days

* If an invoice or a procurement is related to this request, please allow an additional 12 business days to process both requests